Friday, October 27, 2006

Peter at the Pearly Gates - a different version

I have a slightly different version of Peter at the Pearly Gates.........Yes I know that the verse about Peter and the keys has been misunderstood.

Well one day the man comes to the Pearly Gates and St Peter says to him welcome. "Now you have to sit for a quiz before you can enter. The score you have to achieve is 500. The idea is I ask you to tell me about your life and you tell me how you have done and we give you a score."

The Man replies, "I am not sure about this but I will give it a go"

" Ok, tell us about the things you have done?" "Well" he said " I have loved and remained loyal to my wife for 50 years." "Well done" said St Peter, "now we are on the way, 1 point."

"Hmm, I have brought up 3 beautiful children, prayed with them every day and read the Bible to them, and I have had a quiet time almost every morning".... "Doing well, that's another half point for each of those"

"I was an elder at my church, lead a Bible study group, drove Mrs Brown to church every Sunday and took her meals when she wasn't well. I sponsored a child, I worked with prison ministries and visited the sick. I sat through some very long and boring Pastor Brown sermons!"

"Well sir, you have led an impressive life" said St Peter, "taking into account all the things you have done, even the things you haven't mentioned, there is a lot of things to count. Let me total them up and see what we get. That is amazing 15 points! One of the hightest scores ever registered!"

Then the man looked dejected. "I am still 485 points short, the only way I can get in is by an act of complete Grace."

"Grace did you say", said St Peter, "THE Act of Grace scores 500 points, come right on in!"

Only be Grace can we enter
Only by Grace can we stand
Not by our human endeavour
But by the Blood of the Lamb

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