I am sorry its been so long so long since my last post. I have been traveling & speaking in Australia & New Zealand for about a month and have had plenty of things I wanted to post just not the time to sit at a computer and do it. So Panda I promise that I will try and post more often.
So if you want more information on the trip have a look at the adventure Blog.
During my trip I had plenty of opportunity to marvel at creation and His amazing handiwork. But I also had plenty of evidence of people choosing other gods.
It seems to me that in Western society at least, man's god has become more and more himself. The thirst for 'things', the desire for self gratification.
Even Christians. We so often think make our "christianess" our god. "Look at me, see how spiritual I am" our desire to play the part rather than live it can so often take the place of God in our lives and we become our own god, deciding for ourselves how we should live and what we should do. It sometimes hard to convince Christians that we are called to a life of serving him, which is the same as saying serving others. When Jesus said deny yourself and take up your cross, he basically said you no longer live for yourself. Please note that his does not mean "stop having a good time" or "stop enjoying life" But it does change our choices.
Then he (Jesus) told them what they could expect for themselves: "Anyone who comes with me has to let me lead. Your not in the drivers seat - I am" Luke 9:23 msg
Tag - you're it. Stop by my blog for details. (07.07.07)
And thanks for posting this. I 100% agree. It's easy do talk the talk, but it's not so easy to walk the walk...
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